What to Expect
I'm based in Biddenham and provide Speech and Language Therapy services in and around Bedford for young children aged from 18 months to the end of year 2. Currently, appointments are available on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
I see children with a range of communication difficulties, including:
Delayed listening and attention
Delayed play
Delayed interaction
Delayed use of verbal language
Difficulty understanding spoken language
Delayed use of non verbal language such as pointing, gestures and facial expressions
Speech sound difficulties
Social use of language and conversation skills​
Following contact from you, I will arrange a time when we can talk on the phone and you can tell me more about your child.
Appointments are usually in your home as this is a safe, familiar and meaningful environment for your child.
Therapy is based on assessment and tailored to the needs of your child, together with support and advice for parents and teachers. Unless you explicitly ask, I will liaise with others who work with your child so we can work as a team, with consistent strategies and expectations and share our knowledge and experience. This ensures the best outcomes for your child.
Therapy is always designed to boost your child’s confidence, as well as their speech and language skills. It is often repetitive to help skills become embedded and to feel do-able for your child. It is based on play so it is motivating and enjoyable.
We will work on agreed small goals that will directly feed in to larger goals. Progress is reviewed regularly with you. ​
Parents are expected to be part of the therapy process, to join in with activities and have a go in between sessions. It really is the case that the more reinforcement and practice given, the better and faster the results. ​