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Intervention Packages


what is it?


Assessment involves :

*gaining information from you

*getting information from other professionals who know you child

*spending time with you child and you to understand their skill set and interaction style.


With young children assessments are usually informal, based on play and observation.


Before assessment we will speak and you will 

complete a questionnaire.​




1:1 therapy packages develop specific clinical areas. Each package may end with a period of consolidation before another is recommended.


Therapy involving parent support or coaching can be delivered as tele therapy.


Therapy naturally involves ongoing assessment and review so we ensure we are targeting what is required


Some interventions are best delivered as home programmes.

You are shown how to
implement these interventions and I support you whilst you do.

Afterwards we review the progress made and decide suitable next steps.




Progress is also evaluated after a break in therapy or at the end of a package of care to best understand current skill levels and determine next steps. 

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